Monday, August 11, 2014

I just get a little curious

Life is full of unexplained mysteries, to me

Why can't I eat just one potato chip?
Why don't Walmart ice cream sandwiches melt?
Why did Robin Williams make me laugh so much?
Why can't the Cubs take a pitch?
Why do people throw their McDonald's bags on the road?
Why can't I open a bandage without having to literally rip apart the wrapping?
What time am I supposed to be at the museum to do a folk toy on Saturday?
Why do I procrastinate so much on important stuff, yet get right to the minor crap that really doesn't mean much?
Why are squirrels always running out in front of cars?
Why does my camera batter die when I want to use it?
Why does the hair in my nose and ears grow faster than the hair on my head?
If you have answers to any of these questions, please, let me know.
I mean business.  I am as serious as a stroke.   Oops....channeling Bertha.  Boy, I gotta get over that!
Peace to all.  And RIP Mork.  I understood your madness.

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