Tuesday, August 19, 2014

What happened?

I seem to be Rip Van Winkle

     I am in a time warp.  And not the kind where you step to the left, then the right, and bring your knees in tight.
     I donned (wanted to use that in a sentence for a while) a tie-dyed t shirt today to go work in the garden at St. Paul's in DeKalb.  Afterward, I stopped at Walgreen to visit Emily and check to see if I had any prescriptions.  (This is a daily routine.  Jackie and I have dozens of drugs that we get through Walgreen and it seems every day we have a med to pick up. )
     She commented on my t shirt.  OK, it wasn't a nice comment.  She asked if I often wore that out in public.  AJ agreed that it looked good on me.
     That got me to thinking about the shirt.  Gwen used to teach fifth grade with me.  Her daughter made the shirt.  Gwen went to the middle school when it opened....using my math skills here....those sixth graders were the first in the middle school, and the first in the high school....high school is 10 years old....
     I think my shirt is about 14 years old.
     Which is younger than my totem pole t shirt that Jackie and I got in 1998 when we went to Alaska.  Yes, I still wear it.  Yes, it is a little worn.  It has become a paint shirt.
      Then I got to looking at "nice" pants.  Those are pants I wear when jeans or shorts just don't work well.  I have at least two pairs I wore when teaching.  I have been out of teaching 7 years.
       Now, I am not saying my clothing is old and worn out.  But it is old.
       And I am too cheap to replace it.
       I must have 30 summer shirts hanging in the closet.  I wear about 6 of them.  I have 15 t shirts that I wear regularly.  I can go almost 5 weeks without washing a shirt and not wearing one twice.  Why?  Because they were good bargains.  I liked the shirt.  It was on sale.
       Do I like all the shirts?  NO!  But that OCD seems to kick in and I can't decide which ones to toss.
       Maybe I should just take the first one off the rack and wear it.  If I don't like it, I should get rid of it.  When a shirt comes out of the wash, I should put it at the end of the line and keep taking from the front.
     Eventually I should weed out the shirts I don't like.  Or that don't fit.
     That sounds like a plan.  I will do that starting tomorrow.  
      I should be finished by fall, then I can start on the long sleeved shirts.  That should take a while.
     It seems like yesterday that I was working, and here I am, seven years later.
     Where did my life go??


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