Thursday, August 21, 2014

holy crap! what are you doing???

I sleep with my eyes open

     Not wide open, but open a slit.
     Jackie screamed the first time she noticed.  She thought I was awake, but I was really asleep.  When she realized that, she yelled.
     It can be a little upsetting, I imagine.  Granted, I have never seen it, but I guess it would be creepy, a little.
     There are advantages.
     Last night when I was sleeping in the chair, the lightning woke me up.  Not the thunder, but the lightning.  That flashing made me stir and eventually wake up.  The prostate may have helped, to be honest.  (I used to call it my if I was laying down.)
     But the big disadvantage is I sometimes have a hard time getting to sleep.  There is so much light at night.  The radio, the smoke detectors, the hall lights, the oven and never gets dark in the house.
     I was in the basement enjoying some Netflix time when I turned out the light and was shocked at how dark it is down stairs.  Of course, I stubbed my toe and walked into a wall, but that's the price you pay for darkness.
     If Jackie moves around the room and I am asleep, I will sometimes see her and wake up.  Not always, just sometimes.
     The smoke detector in our bedroom flashes a green light onto the floor.  Weird.  I don't think the others do that, but I have never looked.
     I wonder if I was asleep, and someone was standing near me and making faces, or gestures....would I see them and remember them when I wake up?
     What if someone held up lighted signs?  Would it all be subliminal messages?
     That could be a breakthrough in my life!  Get a subliminal message board in the bedroom, program it, and let me watch it while I sleep.
     That might be kind of cool!

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