Wednesday, August 13, 2014

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I actually got some things done!

     Granted, I didn't do anything major this week, but I did accomplish some minor tasks.
     First, I ate a lot of Illinois peaches!  Dan and Linda were at a family gathering near Marion and scored some southern Illinois peaches at a local Kroger.  I paid $11.50 for 5 of them at the Sycamore farmers' market about three weeks ago.  Dan delivered a bag of about 15 peaches on Monday.
They are sweet.  And juicy.  You practically need a towel when you eat them.  I have had six in three days and each one is better than the previous peach. The cost?  $5 for the bag.  $5!!  Thank you Dan and Linda for giving me a little paradise this week.
     Another accomplishment:  I weeded the gardens.  It took me all day Monday, but I got them done.  Raked the mulch, pulled weeds, dead headed, fertilized, pulled dead leaves off.....I think that is why my arm is sore and my hips hurt.
     A major accomplishment:  I cleaned the garage!  Sorted stuff, found stuff I was looking for, found stuff I had no idea I had.  It brings to mind the age old question:  at what point am I going to be able to part with things I no longer need or use?  Like the 30 decks of antique playing cards from the cabin at Dewey Lake.  (I say antique, Jackie says old. Perspective.)
     Digression.  Last week some lady brought in a collection of baseball memorabilia to an Antiques Roadshow event.  Her grandmother ran a boarding house in the 1880s and  Boston professional baseball team members stayed at that house.  She had pictures of the players, letters, baseball cards and other stuff.   Her collection was appraised at over $1 million.  They did not release her name for security reasons.  Somehow, I don't think my playing cards will bring that much.
    I did my Rotary newsletter.  I hadn't done it since June 27.  Oh well.....By the way, I do have calendars for sale....$20 with a chance to win cash every day in 2015!  You can win more than once!  Let me know if you want a calendar....I will get you one.
     Cleaned the light fixture in the dining room.  That is a real bear to take down and clean, but it is also a dust collector.  Looks tacky when it is dirty, so I cleaned it.  Putting it back together was a challenge.
     And the biggest small task:  Watched the Cubs win two in a row over Milwaukee, the league leading Milwaukee.  Go figure.
    I also went to O'Hare to pick up our Rotary exchange student.  Fine looking young boy from Brazil named Artur.
     I still have two days to go.... world, watch out!!

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