Sunday, August 24, 2014

Almost perfect

Meatloaf once sang, 2 out of 3 ain't bad

     I had a great time at the Buffet concert....good food, good friends, good music, good weather....all added up to a great time.
     Sunday was almost perfect.  The Cubs put together a solid pitching effort with an excuse me offense and managed a series sweep of the Orioles.  I'm thinking this is also 4 in a row.......500 hear we come!
     I did discover the problem with taking the train on Sunday.  Metra only runs every two hours.   And it takes 45 minutes or so from Dan's house to hit the train on time.....I gave myself 50 minutes from my house 'cause I am old, tired and don't think well sometimes.  I barely made the train...the conductor started waving to me when I tried to pay for free parking and the doors were closing as I put my foot up on the first step.
     But the big problem is the return.  I honestly planned on hitting the 6:40 back.  My reasoning was the game will go to 4:30, so the 6:40 would be feasible.
     The game ended at about 4.  I waved my W, beelined for the L, got on a waiting train crammed full of smelly Cub fans, and changed for the Brown Line at Belmont.  The Brown Line is about 4 blocks west of the Red Loop stop, saving valuable minutes.
     Except the Brown line runs every 15 minutes or so.  I thought of hopping back on the Red and going to the look and doing a fast walk, but the trains were packed tight....I don't think I could have gotten on unless I was covered with butter.
     So there I was.  Too late for the 4:40.....2 hours from the 6:40.  I did stop for food, since I did not eat at the ball park today.  Dan and Linda missed my call, and by the time we reconnected I was at the train station at about 5:20 and didn't feel like walking back to their place.
     So I wandered around the station, bought some popcorn, wandered around the station again, sat in the waiting room and at 6:15 boarded the train to Elburn.
     If the game had gone into extra innings, or been rain delayed, I would still have had to catch that 6:40 because the next train is 8:40......
     I like taking the train.  No traffic, no tolls, no parking costs.  But the next Sunday game will see me driving in instead.  I just didn't like killing 90 minutes when I could have been home in about that same time.
     The unsuccessful part of the weekend:  No phone call from Amboy.  I guess I did not win the humongous 50/50 raffle.
     But like the song goes, two out of three ain't bad.

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