Thursday, August 28, 2014

I was just trying to help

Sometimes I put out Emily's garbage

     If I am there on a Thursday and I know she is working late, I will put the trash out.  Now I don't do that as much lately, John takes care of that.  But I do like to help out.
     So when I saw the huge bags of dog poop, I moved them out to the street where the garbage cans go.
     It was a Wednesday.  Recycling day is early Thursday, garbage day is early Friday.
    Em called me Thursday night with a question:  Where did I put the bags of dog poop?  I told her, by the road.
    They were gone.
    A thief?  Hardly.
    A curious person?  Probably not.
    The guys who pick up recyclables?
     I can hear the scream now when someone yells, "Holy shit!"
     They will be meaning it is actually that.  Not sure about the holy part, but I do know the rest is true.  Talk about a crappy day on the job, that had to be one.
     So I no longer take out the dog poop early.  I leave that for the Thursday night move to the curb.
     And I do apologize for being helpful.
     By the way, as I write this, the blog has had 9,960 page views!  I find that humbling, and yet I am a little proud of the fact you readers have stayed with me on this journey of embarrassing stories.
Thank you.

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