Saturday, August 9, 2014

what trips your fancy?

I sometimes get confused, and curious

      I just want to update you on some interesting information.
      OK, it's really boring, but I am having an off week.
     This blog has 9,168 viewings so far.  Holy cow!  That means pages have been read 9,168 times.  Even with the two friends and one family member who I know read it regularly, that is more than I expected!
     My blog about the blue shirt was pretty popular....over 60 views.  I know there are some women, and maybe men, out there who will be keeping an eye out for my sexy European blue linen shirt.  Someday, your dreams will come true.
     I also check the audience of readers.  The vast majority come from the US, and I can understand the Switzerland numbers.....but 38 views in the Ukraine and 76 views from Russia are a little confusing.
     So this next sentence is dedicated to my Russian/Ukrainian readers:  Please, stop the fighting and get along because you are both great cultures.
    Germany actually had the second most number of views.  I only know two people from there, Yvonne's parents, and I don't think they would read it.  But in case, here is a special message to them:  We always enjoy visiting with you and eating plum cake.  Hint, we will be at Julia's in October.
     There were other countries represented, but I guess they were maybe just trolling the web and moved on quickly.
     And most important for me, I have done 222 entries.  That is one a day.  My goal when I started was to do one a day and break my cycle of not finishing things.
     Unfortunately, I still have that problem.
     Maybe by the end of the year I will finish the two books I have started, finish the basement ceiling, finish cleaning the garage......uh, do you see a trend.
     I thought doing this would help me but I

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