Friday, August 1, 2014

what did I miss?

I sometimes am oblivious

     You all know I hate storms.  They spook me.  Lightning, thunder, hail......all make me very nervous.
     I keep a close watch on the sky (or this heart of mine, according to Johnny Cash) whenever the sky turns gray.
     So tell me.....when I went to town at 6:15, stopped at Sullivan's, stopped at Jimmy Johns, stopped at Red the hell did I miss the storms?
     Seriously!  Until I read FB posts about funnel clouds, tornado sirens, hail,, I had no idea it did anything but rain.
     No, I was not drinking.  I just did not notice the sky, or the weather.....which is very odd for me.
     Our weather radio did not go off.  We can't hear any sirens from town at our house.
     I was completely shocked when I saw pictures of funnels over the high school and at 39 and 64.  I have a hard time believing there were tornadoes....maybe they were fake tornadoes or semi tornadoes.
     How could I miss them?
     I was watching a movie.  Her.  A Red Box special tonight, cause I had a code.
     It was a weird movie.  I don't think I ever really got into it, because I was dwelling on the weirdness of it.
     A guy falling in love with the voice from his computer's operating system?  Quite a stretch.  He lives in a really nice apartment in LA and works for a letter writing company?  They must pay damn well.  When it first came out, I thought I would really like it.  I liked it, but not really liked it...if you get my meaning.
     Anyway, while I was watching Her, the storms were raging and I was completely oblivious.
     Go figure.
     And a note of explanation.  Emily had a long week with dogs, and Miss Gwen had to go.  I had really gotten fond of Gwen, and Emily and John loved her.  But Gwen could not stay in a house with other dogs.
      But the biggest reason is because my cousin Sally is losing her battle with cancer.  She lives in Alaska, and we had a great visit just about a month ago.  It has been years since we saw each other.  Jackie and I had always planned to go up to visit, but with Julia in Switzerland, our money and trips have been that direction.
     I always talk about regrets in life.  Not being closer contact with what little family I have left is one of them.
     Time is short.  Reconnect when you have the chance.  You won't regret that.

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