Wednesday, August 6, 2014

so pissed I can hardly stand it

Pardon me while I rant and vent my anger

     For the last three months I have been driving to Rock Falls once or twice a week to practice Greater Tuna.
     This is a two man show, each person plays 10 characters.  There are a lot of lines to learn.
     Why was I doing this?  Because last winter I got a call from Beth at White Pines Dinner Theater.  They are doing the show in September.  One character bailed.  They wanted me to fill in..
     There is pay involved.  $200 a show.  Six shows.
      I said yes.  I did not sign a contract, but I was in.
      Sure, it meant moving my trip to Julia's from early September to late September.  Sure it meant spending hours learning lines.  Sure it meant working with a total stranger when I had always done Tuna shows with the other Terry.
     So when Renee messaged me today about not being able to buy tickets, I was puzzled.  Greater Tuna  was on the calender last week, granted, only for five shows instead of six, but hey.  So I called White Pines.
      The show has been cancelled.  Cancelled.   CANCELLED!!
      How do I find out?  By calling the f'en place and asking why it wasn't on the calender.
      My partner Brent had called me three times today.....I called him twice.  Both times we played phone tag.
     On the third call, he said she pulled the plug this morning because only 75 seats had been sold for the show's run.  So the plug was pulled.
     How mad am I?
     I just went out and trimmed my grass.  I have walked around the house for 20 minutes.  I am hoarse from yelling.
     How mad am I?
      There is a bottle of red in the  basement that will be consumed tonight.  In its entirety.
     How mad am I?
      At some point I am going to set fire to the script.
      To sum it up.  I know a play that won't be performed.  I have made at least 20 trips to Rock Falls to practice.  I have told countless people about it.  I have planned my vacation around it.  I have given up nights to practice lines, memorize lines, work on lines.  Jackie has spent hours going over lines with me.
     Truly, I am shaking with rage.  Anger.  Disappointment.
     I know I will never set foot in the White Pines Dinner Theater again, ever.
     And not only am I pissed, Thurston, Bertha, Pearl, Elmer, Yippy, Leonard, Hank, R.R., and the Rev. Spikes are pretty damn mad too.
     Thank you for allowing me to vent.  It has been one crappy week.


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