Monday, August 18, 2014

Looks like it is that time of year again

I do miss school, sometimes

     I admit, I do miss being at school.  The start of the school year is so exciting for the kids, so full of promise for the teachers, just a great time to be at school.
     I love doing back to school shopping.  Jackie and I always look for bargains to buy and take to school for kids who may not have all the needed supplies.  This year we bought folders, pencils, notebooks, pens, markers, erasers, glue......the staples.
     But we didn't buy paper.  Notebook paper has always been cheap at the start of the year.  I remember buying 300 page packs for 50 cents.  This year, I could not find a bargain anywhere.  In fact,      I thought it was pretty expensive.  I hope kids aren't as wasteful this year.
     But I do miss the buzz.
     When you work at a place for a long time, the people are not just coworkers.  You become a family.       You learn about their illnesses, their problems, their joys, their become a part of their lives and they become a part of yours.
      And when you leave that family, you are no longer  in their lives.  Sure, you are still friends, but interests change, commonalities change.
     Suddenly twins that were ten are now 17.  Spouses have changed jobs, sometimes spouses have changed.  I slowly become the outsider looking in.
     This is not meant to be maudlin, just a fact of life.  My interests too have changed. I really don't care about curriculum or which kid is doing what in whose classroom.  Common core could be two holes in the backyard for all I care.
     But I like my teacher family and I miss them, especially when school starts, the weather gets hot, everyone has one common complaint about papers sticking to their arms and kids falling asleep in the heat.
     I may be sitting in air conditioned comfort, or catching a few zzzzs on the porch chaise, maybe having an afternoon coffee or tea......but I'll also be thinking of my extended family.
     I will be wishing for them to have cool weather, a great group of kids, wonderful parents.  I will be wishing for them to light up the lives of the children they have this year.  I will be wishing for them to make a difference in a life.
     And who knows, maybe I'll go and just stand outside and look in to remind me of what I am missing.

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