Sunday, August 3, 2014

a shirt makes the difference, not

I had a man crush in Switzerland

     It didn't start out as that.  It started out as dinner in a fondue place near where Julia works.
     It's a weird restaurant....all locals.  Except for when Julia brings her US friends and relatives.
On the wall there is a series of pictures of cows and people in erotic poses.  Seriously.  Cows and cows.  People and people.  Cows and people.  A very strange picture, funny and entertaining, but strange.
     But I digress.
     Our friend Sheri was sitting next to me, across from Jackie, Dileck (and yes, I don't know how to spell her name, but it sounds like that) and Julia.
     As we sat and drank some wine, I noticed a good looking man sitting at the table behind Julia, Jackie and Dilleck. (In case it is spelled that way.)  I noticed he was my age, maybe a little older.  Gray speckled through his hair.
      His arm was thrown about the chair next to him and he talked with a robust voice, and laughed with a great laugh.  His sunglasses were perched atop his head and his blue shirt was open about three buttons, exposing a hairy chest.
     He seemed like a man in command of the world.
     I turned to Sheri (spelled correctly) and asked if she noticed him.  She had.  I asked her what she thought made him so good looking.  She couldn't describe a reason.  So one by one, Jackie, Julia and Delic (third time's the charm)  checked him out.  Everyone thought he was good looking.  Sexy.  Charming.  No one could explain why.  What gave this man that power????
     I took a picture of Julia and Jackie.  Actually, I aimed the camera at them but took a picture of the guy.  I thought that was very sneaky.
     We discussed. at great length, what made him sexy and me a schmooo.  OK, he didn't have a small watermelon for a belly,  but he was sitting down.  It couldn't have been the glasses, because I have glasses.  Granted, I wear mine on my nose and he wore his in his hair.  OK, his hair was a little fuller, fluffier, and more abundant than mine, but it was speckled with gray.
     We decided it was the shirt; a blue linen shirt.
     The next day Sheri and I went to a Starbucks for coffee.
     Here's the problem.  Jackie can't navigate the way to town.  Julia has a two seater.  So Julia can either make three trips with one person, or one trip with one person and the other two take the funi and walk.  So Sheri and I took the funi and walked.
      We left Starbucks to go to Charlie's, a way cool restaurant and bar located right on the lake, with a lakeside seating arrangement for dining and drinks.
       As we crossed the busy street, we passed a men's shop and I happened to glance in the window.
       There was the blue shirt.   And it was on sale!!
        I debated.  Sheri said go for it.  So I bought a blue linen shirt.
        When we got to Charlie's, I made quick run to the bathroom and donned my new shirt.
       When Jackie and Julia came, there I was, arm slung carelessly over a chair, blue linen shirt open three buttons, my glasses perched on my forehead.
        Their reaction?  One of them laughed, the other just shook her head.
        But that's OK, because I noticed a couple of young girls checking me out, and I know they were thinking what a cool dude the guy in the blue shirt was.  I could tell they were impressed because of all the giggles they had when they looked my way.
       At least, that is what I keep telling myself.
     I have gone all summer without wearing the blue shirt.  And you know what world?  It's time.  Ladies, beware.



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