Saturday, December 31, 2016

the end is near

Seems like a good night to ponder the year

     I know 2016 was an up and down year.  Hell, it was like a roller coaster for a few months!
     In truth, I am a little sad to see this one go.  I am going to focus on the highs....the top ten bestest things in my life this year.
10     The house looks good.  My front door is finished.  This may not seem like a big thing, but it drover me batty every time I looked at it!  We hired a man to come in and stain the interior and paint the exterior.  I should have done that years ago.  Plus, we tiled around our new counter tops in the kitchen.  Now if I could just clean up my messy basement.
 9   Riding my bike.  I managed to get in just over 400 miles this summer.  As you know, I don't ride in cold, heat, wet, windy, cloudy or sunny conditions, so that left only a few days.  Thanks to the people who rode with me from time to time.
8      People.  When I went to Cuba and Switzerland, friends and neighbors stepped up to help out Jackie, even to the point of shovelling the ton of snow out of our driveway!  Rochelle John has spent countless hours fixing computer stuff and building furniture, Emily has checked on her mom when I am not around.  Neighbors brought over cookies, friends sent pizzas, and wine, and walked the dog and brought in the mail.  Clarence tells George Bailey that "No man is a failure who has friends."  Thank you folks for making us a success.
7     The Chicago Cubs.  Dan, Chicago John and I made 6 games this year and we were 6-0.  Great times at the ball yard.  But October topped everything!  Division Series, National League title, World Series.  Jackie and I watched almost every inning of the playoffs.  In fact, we watched almost every game this year!  Her brother Bob joined us...sort of.  He and Jackie would message back and forth during the games.  The Cubs brought them closer together, distance wise.  And who could forget games 5, 6 and 7?  Especially 7.  An amazing season.  An amazing memory.
6     Travelling east to visit the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown and meeting a sweet Vermont lass name of Josie.  Seeing her parents and spending a couple of days with my New York cousin Bob and his wife Anita were a part of this highlight.  Even got to visit a former student attending school in Cooperstown.     Good times, good times
5   Visiting the Christmas markets in France.  I know, the German markets are supposed to be great....but walking the streets in  Colmar, seeing those buildings with the wooden beam construction.... that was amazing.  And Strausburg was equally cool.  My niece from Illinois even joined me for a day of exploring in Bern.  Good times, good times.
  Visiting Cuba in March.  It was amazing to see a country that has not yet embraced the 21st century.  Yet the people seemed happy with what they have, not unhappy with what they don't have.
3     Being able to visit my nephew and his family in Zurich.  Megan and I had a chance to wander the town, visiting a couple of Christmas markets.  Having dinner with them and just visiting was pretty darn cool.  Plus Megan and the boys  visited here in October, so I got to see them twice this year!
2     Seeing Julia twice this year!  Actually, counting the couple of days she was here last January we saw here on three different visits in 2016!  I will miss her. She leaves Thursday.  I will be emotional.  Always am.  Always tear up.
1     The Wedding.  Travelling to Las Vegas, watching my baby get married, the reception back here...tell you folks, that was a great experience.  Plus we got to see family and friends from all over the place!  It was a great day for a reception, a great day for a wedding, a great many times can I say great?
     So....Happy New Year to you!  I hope you can look back at this year and say, "It wasn't so bad."   Or even, "It could have been worse."
Best wishes for a healthy, happy 2017.

Friday, December 30, 2016

it's a birthday!

I am approaching the end of year 3 of this blog

     I enjoy writing it, although sometimes it is hard to get it done.  I may be tired, or had a little too much wine, or just plain sometimes, not often, I miss a night.
     I appreciate all your comments and your reading of this.  I really do. we approach the New Year, I am almost prepared.  I bought a new calendar, so I can write down all the important dates.
     Like when I leave for Europe.  Or when Hamilton is.  Or when I have to dog sit.
     That way I won't miss out.
     I have a notebook where I list things I want to see, books I want to read, movies I want to see.
     I have written down the Chinese terra cotta warriors.  I wrote this down in the beginning of summer.  The warriors leave Jan. 8....and I don't know if I will get to see them.
     So one of my NYR (that's New Year's Resolution, although if I spell it out after using it, it really is not saving time or space) is to not only write things down, but to read the information from time to time so I don't miss something I want to see.
     I do have written down Jan. 5 as the day Julia leaves.   That's Thursday.  If someone wants to ride along to the airport that would be great.  You can drive while I dry my eyes.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

I'm feeling the power

I am thinking of creating a super hero

     Actually, I have been thinking of a new type of super hero for a long time.  Well, at least 10 minutes.
     All the good super powers have been taken.  There are super heroes with unbelievable strength, x ray vision, the ability to fly, run fast, withstand explosions, fire, ice and anything else that a villain throws at them.
     So, what's left?
     I thought about a super hero who can read minds, but that seemed kind of boring.
     How about a super hero with a super sense of smell?  He/she could smell gun powder, for example, and detonate bombs or point out and disarm armed criminals.  Probably the NRA would complain.  But maybe a deodorant company would help sponsor my hero?  Again, maybe lame.
     Then I realized my new super hero.
     Halitosisman, or woman, or girl, or boy.
     My hero would have really bad breath.  Say there is a bank robbery and a hostage situation, Halitosiswoman goes in and exhales, disabling all the robbers without firing a shot.
     Or a crowd is formed to riot.  Halitosisboy is on the scene and just breathes out at them and they gag and disperse.  This would be a great super hero for a mall.
     It would have to be bad breath summoned on command, otherwise he/she/it could not deal with people on a daily basis.  Unless it was by telephone.
     Anyway, that is my super hero.
     Now, to find an artist to illustrate the still to be written comic.......

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

it's resolution time

I am thinking about resolutions for 2017

     2017...boy, is that strange to write!
     What happened to the 90s?  Or the first decade of the 2,000s?
     Time seems to be flying past at a rate that would have been impossible to conceive when I was a lad of 17.
     As this year nears a close, I decided to think about resolutions a little.
     You know the usual:  lose weight, eat better, be more compassionate; be nicer; put away my dirty underwear and socks.
     But since I fail at every single one of those, I need something different.
     Writing this blog was a resolution.  Now it is an addiction for me.  I can't stop. (yes, Beth, I know)
     But I need something that is challenging for me yet something that I can accomplish.
     I am putting on my thinking cap.  In the meantime, if you have any suggestions, let me know.
     Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go exercise.  I have 20 pounds to lose by Jan. 1.


Tuesday, December 27, 2016's on!

I think I was challenged today

     If not directly, then indirectly.
     My manhood was questioned, as was my ability to get off my duff and exercise.
     I was talking to a guy in the store.......if I say much more about him, you may recognize him.
     Suffice it to say he knows everything, everyone, and every one's business.
     He also likes to ride his bike.
     So I mentioned I finally cracked 400 miles sometime in November.
     He looked at me and said 400 miles?  400 miles.  I rode 950 and I am much older than you.
     Then he said two years ago he had 1,500 miles in for the year.  Two years ago he was still older than me, or at least than I am now.
     So, I have to put more effort into riding.  I know I don't ride in the rain, heat, cold, wind, days when there is a possibility of rain, or wind, or on days with an R in them.  I always seem to have an excuse.  I'm tired.  I'm hot. I'm not feeling well.  I have to do something.  Waa Waa Waa.
     Sherri, Todd, Ann, and anyone else who reads this who rides, you have to get me out there.  The bike path extension to Highland will be open in the spring, which makes getting into town easier.
     This blog started because I wanted to prove a point.
     Hopefully, next year I will have proved a second point.  Hopefully.
     As long as it doesn't rain, or get too hot.  Or windy.  Waa Waa Waa

Monday, December 26, 2016


I'm glad I wasn't in a mall today

     There seems to have been several melees in malls today, including Fox Valley in Aurora.
     These have to be planned on social can't be a coincidence that groups of people start fighting in a mall in several cities.
     I wonder what is wrong with us as a species sometimes.
     Not much to laugh about today....that news was just depressing.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

all done...almost

I had a full Christmas

    Full of food.  Full of gifts.   Full of friends visiting.  Full of family.
    This was a lot of fun.
    Highlights, for me:
    My new camera, that replaces the one that decided not to take anymore pictures.
    Jackie's new table that John made.  It is really beautiful.  When I can, I will take some pictures.
    Breakfast.  Let's say a breakfast casserole baked in the crock pot sounded like a good idea.
    Hamilton.  I got the CD of the play ....   and tickets!
    Dinner.  I loved the turkey and the potatoes and the stuffing and the vegetables and the rolls and the desserts.......may not eat for at least 8 hours!
    Visiting with family and friends, some in person, some by telephone, some by  Skype.  The world does seem smaller these days.
    Watching youngsters enjoy opening Christmas presents.
    The reason for the season.
    So....I am done now.  Time for bed and a long sleep.
    Hope your Christmas was merry and you are feeling goooood tonight!
    Peace and love.

Merry Christmas

I don't think I am ready

It's 2:30 a m, I have lost a present, I am typing with a sock on one hand, and I am tired.
But I have watched it's a wonderful life, had a glass of egg nog and wrapprd all I could find.  And maybe my car keys.
Have a Merry Christmas!
Enjoy the people you are with today and remember: no man is a failure who has friends.
Now I have to go to bed ..... I hear something on the roof!!

Friday, December 23, 2016 was busy

Ventured downtown to the ChristkindlMarket

    It was pretty busy.
    Go figure.  The last Friday before Christmas ..... a lot of bodies.
    I love going downtown for Christmas.
    I also wandered around Rochelle the other day and saw Fran  V. working on the snow sculpture on Seventh Avenue.  If you have not seen it in person, it is worth a drive.  But you better hurry  before those upper 40s hit us!

What the A?

Always give money to the drummers

A lot of PBS fans ......  I saw pictures of the Selfridge's windows in London and they put the windows here to shame.  

Walnut Room tree changes colors.....68 and have never eaten there!

I just liked this building

Thursday, December 22, 2016


I got one of those calls today

     I did not recognize the number, but I answered it.
     A man said he was from the tech squad and was calling about a problem with my computer.
     I said, "Please stop calling me.  This is a scam.  I know it, you know it.  Why don't you get a life?"  The guy hung up.
     Within the next 10 minutes I got two more calls, one from the same number.
     I don't know if it does any good reporting the call, because there have to be so many calls!
     The sad fact is that these people prey on the elderly and the naive.  And those people are often victims, spending hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars on fake cures or false claims.
     I guess I go back to answering only calls I recognize.  That means I would have missed the snow blower guy.  Now, that's another funny thing.  My snowblower stopped working and is now fixed....but there is not chance for a major snow in the forecast.
     Dumb luck?  Or is someone with great power running a scam?
     Time will tell.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

now what

I just found out I goofed.  Again.

     I  bought the wrong item for a gift.  Actually, I bought two of the wrong items.
     Jackie wrote down exactly what I was supposed to buy....but I lost the note, so I bought what I thought I remembered.
     Losing things seems to be a problem lately.  Keys, pens, books, furniture polish, all seem to disappear from my hands and end up in weird places.
     Jackie found the pepper in the cabinet with potato chips.....that was probably me.
     Any way, somebody is getting an errant gift this holiday season......thanks to me!

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

a hoarding we will go

My daughter thinks I have a problem

     It may have been the stacks of toilet paper.  Or the paper towels.  Or all the other stuff I save.
    But when Jackie and I went shopping today, I found some great bargains and stocked up.
    Corki, the pill of a dog, loves to eat.  We mix in some canned beans with her dry dog food and that helps fill her up.
    So when Big R or anybody has a sale on canned vegetables, I buy some.  I have about 30 cans of beans in the house.
     And Jackie likes to eat pineapple chunks.  They are about $1.59 a can, sometimes even more than that.  When I saw them for $1.25, I had to buy some.       Now we have about 17 cans of pineapple.
    Progresso soup?  Taking over a shelf in the pantry.
    I buy stuff when it's on sale....which explains all the toilet paper.
    I don't consider it a problem, just being a wise shopper.
    And I seem to be up in the 30 bottle range for wine.....but that is not a problem, believe me!
    If the world's manufacturing plants all shut down tomorrow, I would have enough toilet paper for at least a year and beans and soup for a month or more.
    That's not hoarding, it's planning.  Right?
    Jeez, I hope so.  But it still doesn't explain all the other stuff I have accumulated over the years.

Monday, December 19, 2016

good grief

I think the weather is just plain screwy

     It could be close to 50 Christmas day.
     That is plus 50, or 60 degrees warmer than today.  The forecast I saw called for 43 on Sunday, but when you think we were -11, that is a big temperature swing.
     No wonder I have a cold.
     I have a cough, sore throat and tonight my one ear hurts.
     Usually Julia comes home sick and spends the first few days in bed.  She is healthy and I am the one suffering.
     Oh well...better me than her.
     I watched my second Christmas movie today...Holiday Inn.  I don't like it as much as White Christmas, but it was still good.  I love It's a Wonderful Life and Miracle on 34th Street, but I watch a lot of classic films in addition to those two.
     Next up will be Meet Me in St. Louis, which is not a baseball film.  I love that one because of the peek at life in early 1900 America.  It's pretty detailed, yet probably does not reflect what life was life for the majority of people in those times....just the upper 15 percent.
     Now I am going to bed.  I finished a hot toddy, to relax me and ease my throat.  If only I could sleep past 4 a.m.
     Maybe tonight.
     Suddenly, I am sweating.....maybe not a good sign.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

baby, it's cold outside

I knew it was cold today

     I actually saw birds begging to get into my house.
     Two deer from the park came over and went into my garage.
     I dropped my tea on the way to the car and by the time it hit the ground it was all ice.
     Corki has left little icicles throughout the yard.
     I know none of this is funny, but neither is the cold!
     I have had more hot drinks today than I have ever had!  Right now I am having a hot toddy because my cough is worsening.  Maybe it will let me sleep until morning.
     Then I can call the lawn mower people because my snow blower stopped blowing today.  Maybe it got too cold to work, but I nearly froze my toucass (and I have no idea if that is spelled anywhere near correct) off trying to get it to work right and it never did.  Grrr.
     I am beginning to reevaluate this living in northern Illinois concept.
     A state government that does not work, weather that is too cold or too hot, crumbling roads, disappearing jobs, politicians who care more about power than the people.......what the hell are we doing here?
      Maybe it's the toddy talking, but I am ready to move.
      Or at least hire somebody to clear the driveway for the rest of my life.....not sure which yet.
     I knoiw.  I haves to spot bitche n because that doesnt' do any goode.  I just wondererer if this toddy with onhey and sseeegrams will have any effeclt on me.
     Oops....I goofed.
     Good nighghty

Friday, December 16, 2016

jet lagged

I am really tired

     It's barely 8:30 and I am planning on going to bed.
     I have to get up early, and I am just tired.  I was fine until about 5, but it has been downhill since.
     Jet lag?
     Old age?
     Cold coming on?
     Who knows.......
      So...good night, sleep tight.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

disappointed is my middle name

I am a little out of sorts tonight

     Yes, in part because I am very tired.  I got up at 7 today, much earlier than normal.  But then I went to bed at about 8 last night.
     Anyway.....Cubs ticket packs went on sale Wednesday.  I did not know that.
     When I tried to order 14 game packs today, I could not.  No matter what I tried, the pack was not available in the number (3) I wanted.
     The 8 game packs sold out yesterday.
      I am frustrated because the packs usually go on sale during the Convention in I also could not get.
     So after 6 years of going to games with John and Dan, I guess we are shut out.
     I am disappointed.
     Jackie and I were driving past McDonald's on 251 when she said she would like an eggnog shake.  I pulled into the arches, ordered two shakes, paid, and waited.
     A worker came up and said they were done with eggnog shakes!!  Done!!  They could not order any more mix!
     It's two weeks before the egg nog holiday and they are out of the stuff.
     I was disappointed for the second time today.
     Seems to me if you are going to sell eggnog shakes, you should plan on having them through the Christmas season.
     But that is me.
     I was so busy trying to order ticket packs today I missed the recycling guys.
I was putting on pants for outside when I heard the truck.  By the time I got to the garage, the truck was passing our house.
     I could have chased them down....but instead I put the bins in my van and took them to Emily's.
     In three minutes I am going to take out the garbage.   You can't beat this old guy twice in the same game.
     Unless it's baseball or milk shakes.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

home again, home again

I am back home

    It seemed to be a looong flight.  We were late 40 minutes leaving Frankfurt, but we were about 30 minutes late arriving at O'Hare.
    To say I am tired would be an understatement.
    I have now been up 23 hours straight.
    I did manage a brief nap on the plane....but brief.
    It was an interesting plane experience to day.  I have a hard time talking to people, so I was surprised to find myself in a conversation with a woman traveling with her two daughters.
    She started out in Kazakhstan, which she described as a Communist country under control of a dictator.  She taught there and was going home for Christmas.  Her young girls, about 7 and 10, could speak English, French, Spanish, some Russian and a little Kazik.  I was impressed.
    We talked for about 10 minutes before boarding.  She was already tired, and still had to get to Chicago then transfer to Colorado.
    On the plane I sat with a lady from Illinois who was living in Switzerland because her husband has a commodities job there.  She said her house was in a small town between Geneva and Lausanne and had a great view up and down the lake.
    We actually talked a lot about the election, fears about air travel, the temperature, health, and a bunch of other stuff.  It made the flight a little shorter.
    When we got to O'Hare, Julia suggested we get luggage carts for the four suitcases and two carry ons.  Me, being cheap, said I was not paying $5 for a cart just to move suitcases.  A lady overheard me and said they don't charge anymore...carts are free to use.  That sold me.
    The passport checker was kind of funny  He asked me if I met up with anyone in Europe.  I said I met my daughter, who came home with me for Christmas.    Now Julia had gone to another line and was already through.  He looked around and said, "Where's your daughter?"  I pointed her out on the other side of the checkpoint and he said, "She's tired of being around you already, isn't she."
     We laughed.
     It was even funnier when we checked in in Geneva.  I was standing right next to Julia, ticket in hand, and the gate person said here are your boarding passes all the way through to Chicago.  Notice we have upgraded you to business class. Enjoy your trip.
     I must have been invisible.  My seat in economy was pretty darn nice, just no champagne.
     Anyway, it was a great trip and it is great, but cold, to be back home.
     Now, maybe bed!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

all good things must end

This is my last day, and I'm sad

     Usually I am sad because I leave Julia behind, but this time she is coming with!
     So, why am I sad?
     It's 50 degrees here.  There is no snow.
     It is cold and snowy in Chicago.
     But, all things have to end.
     So...comments in random order.
     Lunch at Nestle today was great!  Wonderful food and service, plus I got to talk to John and Kirsty and I met two new people.
     Julia has lots of great friends.
     There are a lot of Christmas markets.
     Starbucks here is as good as home, except they don't have peppermint.
     I spent a lot of money.  (sorry Jackie!)
     The Manor store is awesome.
    I don't know if I can fit everything in my suitcases.
    Nothing beets a walk into town for getting the brain clear and the body awake.
     I still don't understand French.
     There are a lot of interesting people and places in Switzerland.
     Are you listening?????
     This has been a great  trip.
      I enjoyed seeing my nephew and his family again.....too long between visits.
       We have to leave the house at 4:30   A.m.

And now for some pictures.

So long grand pine!

Yes, flowers are still  blooming

Graffitti is everywhere

You can see Julia's old house in this picture.

More flowers  blooming

Police are watching

This haze seemed to be everyday

a fireplug

Noel city at Vevey

A persimmon tree

Monday, December 12, 2016

feelin the bern

I visited the Swiss capital today

     Niece Cindy and I went to the capital and stood on a couple of billion dollars!
    We think.
     Someone told us the Swiss national bank stores its gold under a plaza in a secure vault.  Just feet below our feet there may have been over a billion dollars.  Or maybe we were in the wrong plaza.      Who knows.
     Bern is a great walking around town.  We made it over to see the famous Bern bears.... but they are hibernating.  We have to come back in the spring.
     Went through a couple of Christmas markets....small, but interesting.
     I am a little frustrated.  I download pictures and can't find them.  Seems the date is wrong on one of the cameras.  My pictures are somewhere in the 2013 collection.  I may have found them all, but I am not sure.
     Plus, I can't seem to get my photos to display the way I want tonight.  So I am a little frustrated and tired.
     So, here are some pictures and some comments.

billions beneath our feet?

No bears out today

Look, a flying bear!

see any that are the same?

Anyone know were I can buy a magnet??

Sunday, December 11, 2016

too much food

I have had too much to eat

     Raclette, crepes, sausages, meats, cakes, candies......tooo much food!  Yet, I keep eating!
    Today we went to Craig and Yvonne's for some raclette.  It was good!
     The best part is visiting with Craig and Yvonne and their two adorable girls.  They speak French, and are my tutors whenever I visit.
     The oldest told me I spoke much better than last time.
     Aside from that, it was a dreary day.  Clouds covered the lake and mountains.  I got a late start to the day  because of a late night partying with the Swiss group.
     So...just a few pictures of the last couple of days.

Sawovarski crystal tree in the Zurich train station

The tree in the Zurich Christmas market

Christmas gingerbread

Skating at the Zurich Christmas market

Life is too short

so we did

Zurich Christmas market

Now that's a food truck!

Trams are good transportation in European cities like Zurich

This may be hard to see....but there is a trampoline on the first balcony.  A rope from above provides a quick way down

Recycling the Swiss only

In a local market in Megan and Mike's town, which I can't spell or pronounce

Cheese is everywhere

With the help of William and Elizabeth, the wood got stacked!i