Sunday, October 5, 2014

I too have been to the mountain top

I scratched an item off my bucket list

     Ever since Julia came to Switzerland, I have wanted to hike in the Alps.
     I did that this weekend.  And I am crazy sore right now.
     My nephew Mike and his two sons, Ben and Michael went on the trip too.  Mike planned it.  Ben is 5, Michael turned 9 while we were hiking.
     I figured I could keep up with a five year old.
     Wrong, leg cramped old guy!
     The hike is listed as a two hour hike with a distance of two miles.  It has a listed climb of about 2,000 feet.  Now, I don't know much about elevations living in Rochelle, but I now realize 2,000 feet is a freaking huge incline in a two mile stretch.
     We started out at about 2...which means by about 4 we should be at the mountain hut  for which Mike made reservations.
     Hut to hut hiking is pretty popular in the Alps.  Huts are small buildings, some with straw beds, meals may range from cheese and sausage with a loaf of bread to a cooked meal of some sort.
     Here's from the hike description:  Though short, every step of the way is a delight of steep flower filled hillsides.
     I missed the word steep at first reading.  And I did not take every step of the way literally.  I should have.
     Or this:  ...the trail forks and you bear left for the final steep climb.......about 15 minutes from the trail junction you will reach the hut.
     We were still hiking 40 minutes later.
     Not only was it steep, it was on the mountain, which means it was solid stone.
     Did I mention the mist which eventually turned to a downpour?  Luckily, we were in the hut by that time.
     I have plenty of pictures, but I am only posting one  or two tonight.
     If you know me well, you know I have a fear of heights.
     You also know I can put up with primitive accommodations, if I have to.
No, I don't like heights.....but this was not a bad ride!
This is taking primitive too far!!

I will post more pictues on Facebook tomorrow......and will continue with the hut part of my story tomorrow.

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