Friday, October 3, 2014

scuse me while I miss a day

I won't be making a post Oct. 4

     I am going on an overnight, and I won't have Internet access.
     Hopefully, I will be back on Sunday.  Hopefully.
     We learned something today:  Jackie can not make it up the driveway.  She got half way, and couldn't go any further, so we went back to Julia's apartment.
     Two years ago she could do that, with a little effort.  Ten years ago she didn't have any problem.
     Funny how something like MS can change lives, and you don't even notice until it's changed.
     Went for a walk and saw some grapes being unloaded.  Harvest is in full swing, and the grapes are making their way to the wineries.
     The one down the street from Julia's is in the basement of the family home.  I have been down there and seen the four huge stainless steel vats they have for the wine.  I have watched the entire family labeling bottles as vino came out of the bottling machine.
     Today I watched the grapes, grenache, I was told, as they were put into the hopper, squeezed and the juices sent downstream and the vines get spit out.
     Yesterday I watched some workers in the fields.  The grapes are hand harvested.  I watched a woman carefully clip off a bunch, then she rolled them over and over in her hand, looking for bad grapes, bare stems, leaves.  She then carefully cut them off and gently laid the grapes in a yellow plastic box.
     It truly is a labor of love.
     Anyway, here's a little sample of my day.
Grapes on their way to the vats....this is the winery near Julia

As far as we least it was sunny.

Grenache grapes ready to be dumped

The hopper has an auger and grapes are piped to the lower level winery
Believe it or not, this is a Ford with a sliding rear door!

We ate at a local place....the stones are heated to about 500 degrees.  Then raw meat is flopped on top and served.  You slice to size and cook to the degree of done that you want.  Three sauces for dipping, wine for sipping, good food.  The bibs protect clothing from splatters as the meat sizzles.  The stones are really, really, really hot!!

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