Saturday, October 11, 2014

day after day, alone on the hill

I had another high point in Switzerland today

     Today, Kevin and Christina, two of Julia's friends, invited me on a walk.  We went to Montreux, and went to the gorge that is just above Montreux.
     It's a rain forest!  Any second, I expected to see a t rex bound out of the woods and gobble us up!
     Ferns and moss dominated the landscape.  Of course, waterfalls abounded.
     The gorge is created by melting snow in the mountains.  It cascades down the side of the mountains, eventually ending up in Lake Geneva.  (Which isn't Lake Geneva.  To the French it's Lac Le Man and to the Swiss it is Lake Geneve.  Can be damn confusing.)
     We hiked up to almost where I went hiking Wednesday, then we took a stairway down.  It was a looooong stairway.  But Kevin felt it might be safer/easier for me because it wasn't as slippery or muddy as the path up.
     Tonight we went to The Musee, a restaurant in Montreux.  We had cheese fondue and chadaronne, or something like that.  Thin slices of beef that you cook on a hot grill placed in the center of the table.
     The highlight of the food was the cheesy potatoes, which are served like bread sticks at Olive Garden...unending and in abundance.  They were super.
     These were the nationalities of the people eating at our table...because they were all Nestle connected in some way:  France, Ukraine, England, Spain, United States, Germany.....and I think amongst all the wine I may have missed a country or two.
     Anyway, it was a great time.  Fun people, good food, great wine.
     I am a little tired now, so I will end this with some photos.
     Peace and love to all.

This is Julia's old apartment building....the one in the middle with huge gabels

Lake boat coming into Chillon

Cooking our meat at the table

Meat plus fondue....great combination. 

Did I have any wine???


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