Wednesday, October 15, 2014

off we go, into the wild blue yonder

I won't sleep much tonight

     I have not had a lot of caffeine.  And I did have some wine.  But we get on a plane tomorrow and I always have a little anxiety.
     Hell, it's more than a little.
     I don't like to fly.  Well, actually, I don't like to land and take off.  But cruising is pretty good.      Mostly, unless we hit turbulence.
     Where is the hurricane now?  Will we have turbulence flying over it?  Is it raining in Chicago?  What's the forecast?
     Ah, jeez.
     We went out for dinner tonight at a little bar on the marche in Vevey.  This is a large area where they have the markets and this weekend, a circus.  Usually it is a car park.
     Tonight we at at Gilbert's bar.  He used to be manager of Kings, a bar that was notorious for several reasons.  Now he manages this bar, which has a name I don't remember.
     We had a paper thin crust pizza....which was super good.
     The weekend I went hiking, the girls came here and a former Swiss football team member hit on Jackie......  I saw him tonight and trust me, I am the prize here!
     Anyway, I took a stroll today after getting the suitcases packed.  Stopped at the patisserie for a Chardonne, which is the heavily sugared pastry I had before.  It is very good.
Now all I have to do is go to bed, go to sleep, and wake up.  Sounds simple, no?
     Thanks to all of you who have read these posts about our trip to Switzerland.  I checked stats tonight and his blog has over 12,000 views since I started last Jan. 1.  Many from this month.
I hope it has brought you some laughs, some thoughts, and some fun.
I hope to do one tomorrow, but it's a long flight........
I will be posting some pictures to Facebook later.

The barrels are dividers....small seating area outside.....two tables and a bench!

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