Friday, October 10, 2014

it was a turn down day....nothing on my mind

I didn't do much, but I had fun today

     I did sweep out Julia's garage.
     Now, that may seem pretty mundane, but the garage has lots of little spiders.  On the ceiling, on the walls, in the door.  So I swept the ceiling, and the walls, and the floor.
     I also brought up some wood.  Julia has a wood burning fireplace and last year I got to stack her year's supply of wood.  But because it was such a mild winter, she hardly used any.  So I brought some up to stack on her balcony.
     We also went shopping at the Manor.  The Manor is a huge store, and has everything:  toys, cameras, clothing, gifts, souvenirs, cosmetics, watch repair .....and a large food store.
     We wandered the aisles looking for lasagna stuff for dinner Sunday.
     Now folks, we are not sure about some things.  Jackie uses a large cottage cheese size helping of ricotta for lasagna....but is that 12 ounces or a pound?  And how does that translate to kilos?  We ended up with a demi kilo, which is a about a pound.  And the only lasagna noodles were the precooked one.  How do you precook lasagna noodles?
     There were fruits there that I had never seen, along with several types of eggplant and some weird looking tomatoes.
     There is a fresh meat section, a seafood section, cheese section..... everything you want food wise.
     We also went for cake at Craig and Yvonne's.  They have two of the most amazing little girls... Penny Jane and Lilly.
     I learned Penny Jane has a loose tooth, Lilly has lost 5 teeth, all about school and that my French is pretty funny.
     That is another aspect of life over here that may be hard to grasp.
     Yvonne is from Germany, Craig from England via Australia.  Their girls can speak English, German, and French...trilingual by the age of 6!  I can't even say, "My name is Terry" and these two little ones are flowing from one language to another without thinking about it.
     Again, amazing.
     Anyway, time for some pictures.

Sea food counter at the Manor

Octopus, anyone?

A lot of wine is made here....and sold here, not exported

A visit with Craig and Yvonne

the youngest

Julia is a bad influence

Guess who had Let it Go on their phone, and guess who loves Frozen?

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