Thursday, October 23, 2014

deja vu....all over again

I am close to being a millionaire!

     All I need to do is pick the right numbers!  Tomorrow night's Powerball, or Mega Millions, I am never sure, is over 220 million smackeroos!  The other game is over 100 million!  My odds of winning one are 50-50, right?
     I (we, if Jackie finds out) will be rolling in dough.  Literally.  I will sprinkle my bed with $100 bills and lay on top of them like they do in the movies.
     New car.  New wardrobe.  New house. (It will have to have a security system and razor wire topped chain link fencing to keep out the bad guys,)  New golf clubs.....and I don't even golf!
     But I won't forget my friends.  After I collect my millions, I will treat everyone to a hamburger at White Castle.  My close, personal friends will even get fries and a drink.
    I know I won't get $200 million....taxes will take half, or more.  That will still leave me with $100 million.
     Enough to fund the Dickow Recreation Center, Dickow Soccer Complex, Dickow Center for the Performing Arts.....but it's not all about me.  It's about improving life.  For my family.  And me.
     So Julia gets a chunk to buy a house on the lake in Switzerland.  Believe me, it will take a chunk.        Emily gets an equal chunk to buy a small farm with a large fenced in area for her dogs, cat, guinea pigs, rabbits, horses, and even and emu or two, if she wants.
     How to choose the numbers?  I always use a combination of birthdays, anniversaries, ages, my IQ, and get a series of numbers that have never won a single penny.  But if I stop playing them, they will win.  Eventually.  It may be 100 years, but like the Cubs, it has to happen eventually.
     And I will buy a quick pick.  Maybe two.  The answer is yes to the question, "Well punk, are ya feelin' lucky?"
     I am feeling lucky.
     Or maybe it's just indigestion from all the Halloween candy I put in a bowl and shouldn't have because I eat a piece whenever I walk past.
     Tonight I may have a dream about numbers!  Maybe the gods of lottery fortune have chosen me this time!
     You can tell I am excited.
     Just think, this time next week.....I'll be hard to find!

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