Thursday, October 16, 2014

Home again, home again, jiggity jig

I buy a lot of weird stuff...and just stuff

     Allors, we have unpacked the suitcases and even I am a little surprised.
     Understand, we buy and bring back only essentials:

      Oh woe is me....someone must be getting some Swiss slippers as souvenirs!!
     And Emily had a special order in for chocolate bars and Julia bought some Kit Kat bars for her sister....they don't have this kind in the states.
     And I know a certain daughter who loves pan there are three of them in a bag.   Now they were fresh at 6:30 a.m. Thursday in Switzerland.....and they were not crushed.  Pan chocolate are a pastry filled with chocolate .... very good!!  There are also some slightly mangled bread sticks, which are my favorites.  A table runner for Julia, and a wooden cow round out the souvenirs.

     And of course, a trip back always means wine.  This is from the vineyard down the street from Julia's house.  Pinot noir, which is a great wine.  I also bought two yard tools in France.  I had one  I bought three years ago, it was great until I ran over it with the mower.
     If you have a cold, the menthol laced tissues are great.  Sold in France, they are a special request from a couple of people back here....right Sheri?

     What?  Lindt bars?  Guess they were on sale and I could not resist.  Plus the flavors of creme brule. intense mint and Irish Whiskey seemed especially tasty.

      Seriously... shit for our lips.  Julia bought these in Vevey....they are made in the USA!!

      Close up of my new tools.

     Stocking up for a long fall and winter!
     The flight back was good....but that damn walker disappeared again.  It was with us on the plane in Geneva and they promised it would be in Chicago with the rest of our luggage.
     Hopefully, it will be delivered tomorrow.
     It is now 2:30 in the morning in Switzerland....which means we have been up 20 hours.
     I don't feel real tired, but I bet tomorrow is a sleep in day!

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