Saturday, October 18, 2014

not everything is golden

I don't like some things about Switzerland

     Huh....never thought I would say that.
     There are some parts of living in Switzerland I would not like.
     Car gas prices.  When we were there, gas was about 1.70 a liter.  Considering there are 4.4 liters to a gallon, that is almost $8 a gallon for gas!  People there tend to walk or bike more and drive smaller cars.  But they still have to eventually put gas in a vehicle.
     Recycling.  Now I am a big believer in recycling.  I do it at home.  But the Swiss are taking it to a new level.  Regular pickups of newspaper and composting material are made at the residences.  But plastic, glass, aluminum all have to go to a recycling center.  The one nearest Julia is a good one-quarter mile away.  Composting materials are collected weekly....but they won't take the plastic bags you put it in, so you have to pick those up and reuse them or toss them.  Milk cartons are now supposed to be recycled, but the recycling centers for those are at the grocery stores.  Steel cans can be recycled at the recycling dump, which is open most days and one evening.  Waste has to be disposed of in official garbage bags, which cost about $4 each.  You buy those at the post office.  This went into effect this year in an effort to increase recycled materials.  It would work better if they made it easier to recycle.
     Julia's tiny shower.  Can't move my arms in it.  Her shower is about 3 foot square, and it is tough to move around.  The sink just outside the shower has a towel rod, and if you bend over the wrong way, you get a rather unpleasant surprise.
     Walking uphill.  Not as easy as you'd think.
     When I'm there, I don't get to see my other daughter.  She may consider that a good thing, but I don't.
     Manual shift cars.  I freak out whenever I think of driving a stick shift and getting stuck on the top of a hill and the car starts to slide and I kill the engine and I can't restart it and people start honking and I keep going backward and I start sweating and.....I don't like driving stick on mountains!
     Time shifts.  I find myself tired early and awake early....not used to that.
     A short list?  I agree.
     I know there are other aspects I don't like, but that's all I have right now.

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