Thursday, October 30, 2014

I heard the news today, oh boy

I think the news is driving me batty

     I should rephrase that.  Too much news is driving me batty.
     It's not that I am anti news, but sometimes I get confused.
     A Yahoo news headline recently said:  New York City Police shoot dead man.
     I wondered, why would you shoot a dead man?  It reminded me a National Inquirer article about a man was shot six times and lived, as the paper reported.  Then it said the seventh shot killed him.
     I miss the days when we got important news.  Vital news.
     Now so much of it is just, well, titillating.  (I have never used that word in a sentence!)
      Everyday there is a story of a high school teacher accused of having sex with a high school, or junior high, student.  Last week a substitute was charged after she had sex with a 17 year old boy during the pep assembly!  First day on the job, and she blew it!  (No pun intended.)
     Today there was the story of a bus driver in New York who was on his way to a parochial school to drop off his last student when he stopped the bus and masturbated!  The student could see the guy in the bus's rear view mirror and reported the incident to staff at his school.
     And then there is the case of the missing Colorado man, who disappeared during half time of a recent Broncos game.
     His stepson went to the bathroom, and when he came back, the guy had vanished.
     Turns out, he decided he had enough of football and walked home.  Police found him 110 miles away, heading in the wrong direction.  He doesn't appear to be ill or unbalanced, but he walked 110 miles in four days!  That is not normal behavior!  (He may have gotten some rides...he also said he hitch hiked.)
       So is news so dominant in our lives that we crave more and more, even thought the stories get weirder and weirder?  (And I say our, because if people were not reading them, Yahoo would not be running them.)
       Or are we just getting weirder and weirder?
       I mean, I may get up and go into the next room if I don't want to watch a TV show.  But that's not the same as wandering 110 miles and not telling anybody where you are, or where you are going.
     Maybe it's just me.  Maybe I spend too much time reading the news.
     I do skip anything that deals with a Kardashian, and usually most articles dealing with movie stars.
     But I am fascinated by the lava in Hawaii, the ongoing water shortage in California, and weather.  I do follow what's happening in Syria, although I don't like to because it truthfully scares the beejeebees out of me.
     Lately I have stopped reading anything about elections......I have reached my fill of garbage.
     Gotta cut this off now...there is a family in Rockford Michigan with 12 children....and they are expecting.
     Now, that's news.

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