Saturday, October 25, 2014

I have a social calendar

I swear, sometimes I get too busy

     We have only been back from our trip for 9 days....but I feel it has been longer.
     It's been a busy few days.
     I had a zoo day Friday, and Friday night I spent 3 hours at the museum playing a former mayor's ghost.  It was a pretty fun time.  This ghost walk attracted about 34 people....last year only 20 came, so that is a pretty good increase.  Next year I hope we hit the 45 mark!  We do three tours, and I think 15 people would be a maximum.
     I even heard one little voice say, "Is that Mr. Dickow?"  But I never saw who the youngin' was, or their parents.
     Saturday I got up early to sell Rotary calendars.  And we went to a birthday party for a pretty cool 2 year old.  Tomorrow we have a pumpkin decorating thing at church and dinner in De Kalb Sunday night.
     I am starting the week tired already!
     Tuesday I have four events, Wednesday I am going to Chicago, and sometime Thursday and Friday I have to clean house and do the kitchen cabinets.
      I have to figure out how to move all the dirt to my newly built raised garden without using my right arm, 'cause every time I do anything with it I hurt like hell for two or three days.  And I need to do that before the freeze comes, because I don't want to have to play with frozen dirt.
     Usually I am complaining about having nothing to do.....but that doesn't seem to be the case for the next two weeks.
     Jackie and I start volunteering with the Hub project Tuesday afternoon.  And we still have some physical therapy appointments.
     Even the county wants a notice for jury duty Nov. 3.
     The upside is, I have less time to play on the computer.  After going three weeks without playing spider solitaire, I have fallen back into its trap.
     Less free time will help me cut back.
     I just hope I can keep awake.

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