Thursday, February 13, 2014

Where is the grass greener?

I am never happy about something

     I always wonder what it would be like to live somewhere else.  Actually, I would love to live in a different country. Maybe someplace warmer. With a language I would have to learn. And a new culture  with new traditions and challenges.
     But where?
     Then I found
     Try it.  You'll be amazed.
     For example, say I want to live in Chad in Africa. If I lived there, the infant mortality rate is 15 times higher than in the US. And the rate of AIDS/HIV is almost 5 times higher. I would use less electricity, less oil, earn less and die 30 years earlier than in the US.
    Maybe not a good example.
    How about Russia. They have the Olympics, but how does their overall life compare to mine? Well, I would make less money but spend less on medical bills.  I would have an 83 percent higher chance of getting HIV/AIDS and a 68 percent higher chance that my children would die in childbirth. My life expectancy would be 12 years less, I expect because people can't find any other way out of the country.
    Maybe France.  France is smaller than Texas. I would make less money but have more free time.  There would be 46 percent less of a chance of a child dying in infancy and I would live almost 3 years longer.  That doesn't sound too bad. Like Jimmy Buffet said, warm summer breezes and French wine and cheeses kind of makes life drift past quickly there.
     But Switzerland....that has to be a great place.  Let's see....a better chance at being employed, but I would make less money. I'd spend less on health care.  Less of a risk of an infant dying, but the birth rate is down.  And I would live almost 3 years longer.  Probably due to the chocolates and rosti.
     If I was younger, living abroad might be something I would pursue.
     But of course, I would then be sitting at a computer comparing life there with life here, because I wouldn't be happy.
     I just can't seem to find the greenest grass, but I keep looking.

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