Friday, February 14, 2014

This is harder than I thought

I am having a hard time telling about me

     I honestly thought I could tell a thing about me every day, but I am getting a little nervous.  I may have to start revealing the darker side of me...I think the statutes of limitation have run out on some of the events.
     In any case, today is just a tough one.
     On the positive side, this blog has had over 2,000 hits.  That means a lot to me. It means people care about me.  It also means they are incredibly bored and don't have anything better to do than read my sometimes nonsensical ramblings.
      And my audience is in several different countries.  Obviously the bulk of he readers are from the US.  Switzerland is second (Hi Julia, Craig, Yvonne, Kevin, Christina.....if you are reading this) but Germany is just one behind Switzerland in terms of where the readers live.
      And the fourth highest is..... Ukraine!  With 20 visits.  I can understand finding it once, but 20 times.....
       Other countries are Malaysia, France, Japan, Russia (Vlady is reading them between Olympic events) Armenia and Spain.
      So here is a challenge:  If you don't live in the United States, type a little comment about how you found this site.  I am just a little curious.
     Of course, it could also be an automated program that runs checks on every blog site to see what is new.... but I'd rather think a human, not a computer, has been reading this.
      That's it.

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