Monday, February 17, 2014

OK, I admit it.....

      I told Jackie last Friday that "snowplows were done...we won't have another snow when the plows run."

Sometimes I am wrong...and I admit it.

     I was wrong when I thought the Bears would be contenders.
     I have been wrong for 55 years about the Cubs.  Well, maybe 53...there were two years they almost made a run to the pennant.
     I was wrong about Blago.
     I was also wrong about Quinn.
     I was wrong not to buy Apple stock at $6 a share.
     I was wrong about curling being boring.
     I was wrong when I said this would be easy.
     Now, that is a start.  But we really don't have time to read all the times I have been wrong, let's just say that number is more than the stars in the night sky.
      Unfortunately, I don't think I am wrong about that.

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