Saturday, February 8, 2014

I believe in yesterday

     One of the biggest regrets I have in life happened about 50 years ago.
     It was 1965.  The US had been invaded by a bunch of long haired guys from England and I was not impressed.
     I didn't like The Beatles.  When they were on the Ed Sullivan show, I watched, but I admit I was not an instant fan.   That was Feb. 9, 1964, in case you live in a cave and did not know that.
     Yeah, some of the guys at school started wearing their hair like the Beatles.
     Yes, the more I heard the music, the more I liked it.
     It was fast.  Catchy.  Singable.  And they annoyed my parents.
     But  I didn't run out and buy any wasn't until Norwegian Wood and Rubber Soul in December of 65 that I became a Beatles nut.  But it was too late.
     My cousin Sally went to the same high school I did, although she had already graduated when tickets went on sale for The Beatles at Comiskey Park in September of 1965.
     She called me and said she had an extra ticket....someone couldn't go....and would I go with her.

I turned down a chance to see The Beatles

     I didn't go.  I don't know why, to this day I can' t explain it.
     The boys would only play together in public a few times after that, I don't remember if they came back to Chicago. Th greatest rock  group ever imploded in 1970.
     I have seen the Rolling Stones....and they are awesome in their own way.  If they do an outdoor show in the area again, I'll probably go.  And Buffet.  And Kenny Rogers.  And Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass. (What was I thinking?)
     But not The Beatles.
    A few months ago I saw Rain, a Beatles tribute band, and I sang, and moved a little to their music.
     I even closed my eyes and imagined I was 17 and outside on a warm September night on the south side of Chicago listening to the greatest rock band ever performing live.
     But when I opened them, it was 2013 again.
     And  it didn't erase the regret.

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