Tuesday, February 11, 2014

It's a jar of....what the helll!!!

     I used to use a regular razor.....but I had some moles on my chin and it was always hard to drag that stainless steel razor over them.  Plus, it took some care and effort to put on shaving cream and to make  sure the razor was sharp and not too rusty.  And applying the aftershave always gave me that burning clean sensation.
     So years ago I switched to an electric razor.
     Unlike a blade, an electric razor can catch the whisker stubble.  Frequently one has to clean out the shaving  head to make sure the razor gives a clean cut.
      Does anyone know when Peter Pan peanut butter sold for 78 cents a jar?
      I am curious, for at that time I started doing something I guarantee none of your friends or family members do.  Or at least  will admit to doing.

I have a peanut butter jar of facial hair shavings

     I keep it under my side of the sink.  When I clean out the razor, I empty the head into the jar.
     I never thought it was strange until one night during an Exit 99 session, I brought it out and showed it to my peeps.
     They thought it was odd and slightly disgusting.   To be honest, I did bring that out after I proudly displayed the two 10 inch tinfoil barb aquarium fish I had stored in a Norton Security box in our freezer.  And yes, beer was involved.
     I think the jar of shavings is kind of neat.
     The bottom part of the jar is filled with tiny brown shavings....and they get progressively lighter as the layers build up.  The top layer is not quite gray, but it certainly is a light color.
      At some point......at some point......I will have to get rid of it.  Well, actually, maybe not me.  It'll be another one of those "What the hell was wrong with him" moments for one of my children.
      I suggest they put it on e-bay.  It could be used in a scientific study, or an art project, or scattered outside for the wind to carry to places I can't travel.
    And I will gladly show it to you should you show up with wine.


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