Wednesday, February 12, 2014's melting

     I grew up in Chicago.  We didn't have snow blowers, we cleared sidewalks with an old shovel.  My folks did not have a driveway.....actually, they didn't even have a car.  I got a lot of exercise shoveling the sidewalk, which we always did.
     Moving to the boonies was a challenge.  I had a yard to mow.  Gardens to weed.  I discovered dog poop is not a good fertilizer for new trees.  I got a driveway.
     Sure, in our younger years I could get help shoveling the driveway.  The two of us could work outside and get the job done fairly quickly.
     When we moved to Mill Pond, it was time to get a snow blower.  Our driveway was bigger...wider and longer....and it snowed a lot more in the country.  Plus, it was a gravel driveway which made using a shovel difficult.
      So I bought a snow blower.
     It was fine as long as I did not actually clear all the snow, because the pebbles and rock shards would fly out.
     I don't remember the year, but we had a lot of snow.  So much snow, that our mutt Snooty could follow the path to the driveway and do his thing in the driveway.  I would scoop if possible, but sometimes it snowed over the poop.
     Remember the expression out of sight out of mind?
     For some reason, I was blowing snow toward the garage.  It was going up onto the roof of the garage.   I thought that was OK....there was a lot of snow.
     This pattern continued for several snows....blow it toward the garage, and not hit the gravel to cause bits to fly.
     I did not realize the problem until spring.  I pulled into the driveway and looked at the roof.
     There were at least 15 piles of brown.....oozy, runny, brown that looked like it was either a frozen Tootsie Roll (don't laugh....I once had a daughter who found some Tootsie Rolls in the back yard.  Jackie and I looked at each other and at the same time said, "Tootsie Rolls?  Where did she get.....Eww...drop that now!")
      So, the fact you may not know about me.

I once blew dog shit onto the garage roof

     Sometimes it may be out of sight, and out of mind, but it can come back to haunt you in very unsightly ways.  It took several rains for that roof to come clean.

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