Monday, February 3, 2014

I fought the law, and the law won

     My cuckoo clock stopped working.  And Ernie's ball fell off its base.  Small ripples in the pond of life, which led to this small fact.

I got a parking ticket in Sycamore today

     I have a cuckoo clock from Germany.  I love listening to it chime the hours and to watch the little chimney cleaner pop up ever time the little bird goes cuckoo.  Twice a day I yank its chains, but Friday night I yanked too hard and the cuckoo went quiet.  So I had to take it to the clock shop in Sycamore.
     Saturday night I bought a shadow box at From the Heart.  The box is about 8 x 11 and can be hung on the wall or set on a shelf.  In it is a picture of Mr. Cub, Ernie Banks, and a real major league baseball autographed by Mr. Cub sitting on a little cup like platform.  Unfortunately, if you pick the shadow box up and hold it upside down, the ball falls off the holder..... and you can't see the signature at all.  So, I took that to Michael's in DeKalb, the people who created the box and could easily fix it.
     Now I hate having change in my pocket.  I always throw it into a container in the closet and at some point I will take it into the bank and put it in  my vacation account.
     So when I drove into Sycamore, I realized I had no change and they had parking meters.
     I looked for an unexpired meter....but found none.  Since my clock was in a box, I decided I could park in front of the shop (or shoppe), run in, run out and hop in the car.  I was living on the edge, baby!!
     Lovely Rita, meter maid, may I enquire discretely, were you just waiting for me?  I couldn't have been  in there two minutes....I can't believe you wrote the ticket and put it under my wiper in such a short time!
     The fine?  $1 if paid right away.  I had a dollar bill, so I slipped it into the fine envelope and put it in one of the convenient drop boxes thoughtfully located on the post next to where I parked.
      When I got home, I found a couple of pill containers and put some change in them to keep in the car....they won't get my dollar again unless they pry it out of my cold, stiff hands.
     So you see, I do have a rebel side to me....but you can't beat the man!!  Or in this case, the meter maid.


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