Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Ah sleep...perchance to dream

I am having trouble getting enough sleep

     I stay up to late.  I am sleeping in too late.
     Even when I was in high school, I liked staying up late.  I loved watching Jack Parr and Johnny Carson...then when they were over I frequently would turn on the radio.
     I think it was Franklin McCormack, I know that is not how it was spelled.  He used to do a show on WGN late at night and into the morning.  He would play jazz, read poetry, his sonorous voice keeping me company in the wee hours of the day.
    I did go to school, but lots of times I was a tired guy.
    I have the same problem now.  I usually don't get to bed until midnight or later.  The last few mornings I have been up early (ok, 8 may not seem early to you working people).  Now you would think I am getting enough sleep, but with the nightmares, trips to the bathroom (thank you, God, for inventing prostates), and worrying about not getting enough sleep, I find myself tired.
      I need to break the habit.
      In the past month I have slept in several times.  The whole day is screwed up when you roll out of bed at 10 a.m. and eat breakfast.  That means lunch is mid afternoon and dinner is way late....all because I wanted to play one more game of solitaire, or finish a show, or read the news, or visit Facebook.
      So starting tonight, I am going to bed a little earlier each night.  Then maybe I can awaken at a decent hour and be a little more productive.
     But I have to check Facebook and play one more game before I go.


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