Friday, February 7, 2014

I can only dream about the games

I would love to be in the Olympics

     Surely, there has to be an event I can do.
     Anything on skates or skies is out.....and I am not to thrilled about a bobsled ride.  And people who do the skeleton are one nut short of a bolt set.
      So maybe I can concentrate on curling.
     If I can  sweep, I can do it.
     If I can toss a stone using a handle, I could do curling.
     If I can yell and scream things like go go go go, or slow slow slow or fast fast fast .... you get the picture....I could do it.
     I am sure it takes more than just that.  Maybe I'll look for a curling club around here.
     Every time I watch the winter Olympics, I want to be there.  I want to watch the skiers go down the slopes, using their graceful turns and lithe bodies to roar down a mountainside.  I love to watch the luge teams as they race downhill and 80 or 90 miles and hour.
     Remember that one Olympian, from Great Britain, Eddie the Flying Eagle?  He did not win, but he was there.   And to fly through the air like that must be a thrill that would cause me to wet myself.....but I'd be there.
     Tonight there was a cross country skier who said he had no hopes of winning, but he was there.
     The businessman from Long Island who made the Dominican Republic team because he gave lots of money to charities....he and his wife were there.
     They are all competing on the biggest sports stage of the winter.
     Too old?  Laugh if you will, but there was a man from Mexico who was 55.....sure he didn't have a huge pot belly and he actually looked like he could walk 15 minutes without puffing... but he was older than the normal athlete.  And he was there.
     So I am going to start a training regime.  Early to bed, oatmeal for breakfast, brisk 5 mile walks every day, arm weights to build up my stone throwing arm.
     You never know.
     When the next winter games come, I will be 70.  Hell, I just hope I am here!

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