Friday, February 28, 2014

Focus is more than a Ford

I have trouble completing routine tasks

     It's 10 p.m. on a Friday and I just finished cleaning bathrooms.  Well, almost finished.
     When Jackie was diagnosed with MS, we hired someone to come in and clean every other week.  On the weeks the person didn't clean, I would give the bathrooms a quick once over.
      She decided to stop cleaning, and since we (I) have a lot of time, we (I for the most part) am doing the cleaning ourselves.
      So why was I cleaning bathrooms at 10 on a Friday night?
      All week I said I was going to get an early start.  Up and at em.  Get 'em clean.
      I also wanted to look for eagles along the Rock by Oregon.
      No problem.  Up early.  Up and at 'em.
      Well, at 9:15 I was getting up.  Now in my defense, I pulled a rib cage muscle and it hurts when I stretch or lay on it.  So I moved to the Lazy Boy (for you perverts, that's a chair) somewhere in the pre-dawn hours.  It was not a restful night of sleep.
      I ate breakfast.  Up and at 'em.
      But I was working on a crossword puzzle, and I had a couple of clues I could actually fill in.
      10:15.....shower time.  Then it's get at the bathrooms.
      11:15..... didn't realize how long I had been on spider solitaire, e-mail and Facebook, but it was now time to get at those bathrooms!
      So I started at about 11:20....and worked until about 1.  By then I was hungry, again, so had some lunch....worked on my crossword and at 1:30 went to let out the dogs.
      By then two of the three bathrooms had been cleaned.
      But I had made a vow to go look for eagles, so after the dogs enjoyed a romp in the yard, (By the way, her dogs have become recycling not let them lick you or kiss you.  Enough said.) I headed to Oregon.
        I sat by the dam for a while, then moved to a rest area where I saw three rather large brownish birds across the river.  They may have been immature balds or rough legged hawks.  The romantic in me wants me to believe they were eagles.
      I drove north on IL 2 and saw a deer carcass in a corn field and perched atop it was a beautiful bald eagle.  Yes, they do scavenge carcasses.   I got a couple of pictures but the old bird got suspicious and took off.  So did I.
      When I finally got back home, it was getting dark.  I got a lesson in how to operate my computer from Emily, watched a couple of shows we DVRed last night, ate supper and made the decision to almost finish the bathroom tonight and not have to face it in the morning.
       So I did.
       Tomorrow I tackle the floors.  And finish the bathroom.


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