Sunday, February 9, 2014

Maybe it's time to weed through stuff

     It is no secret I love to think environmentally.  If there is a way to recycle, or reuse, or reduce, I will try it.
     For example, on holidays someone likes to buy napkins.  If we don't use all of them, we put them in a tub for future use.
     I went through a tub and look what I found:

      Yes, that is me holding a napkin from a box we recently went through.
       Notice anything strange?
       I am 65!!!    Jackie is almost 65!!!
       This napkin is older than Facebook, bordering on the stage of when we began using the Internet for communication!
       Bill Clinton was president, but he spent most of the year denying he had sex with "that woman."  On the positive side, the US had its first budget surplus in 30 years!!
      Stamps were only 32 cents and a gallon of gas was only $1.15.
      The Titanic was sailing again on the movie screen.  Google was founded.  Viagra was approved for men and Spice Girl Doll sets were being sold.
     And I turned 50 in 1998.
     So the fact, which actually is pretty well known to family:

I don't toss anything that can be eventually used

     Now that may be because I am concerned about the environment.  Or I'm cheap.   Or maybe I am just one of many people in my family's history who won't toss out anything valuable.
      For now, I am using my 50th birthday napkins...because they are there.
     And who knows, maybe I'll even think I am that young again!

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