Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Merci, Danka, and a few other phrases

I try to learn phrases for the countries I visit

     I always try to learn a phrase or two that may be helpful in the countries I visit when going to Julia's.
     I can say a few phrases in French, enough to order pastries and wine.  Essentials.  I can say hello, good night, thank you in German, Italian and English, which is very similar to American.
    One year, I took a bike tour in the Netherlands.  I memorized the phrase "Nien sprechen zhe deutsch," which I thought would come in handy in Holland.
     I rode about 20 miles a day, some days I rode about 30.  It was a great trip.  I got along fine, language wise, until the next to last day.
     I stopped for a break at a little museum. An inviting picnic table and shade trees made for a great place to stop for a drink and a little rest and contemplation.
    As I was quietly sitting there, minding my own business, a man came out of the museum and saw me.  He called and waved me over.
     I walked over and said my phrase, "Nein sprechen zhe deutsch."
     He nodded and said, "Ya, Ya........."
     And then he proceeded to give me a tour of the museum.
     The funny thing was, the more he talked, the more I understood.  He wasn't speaking English, but there were a lot of English sounding words.
    He showed a crown, some armament, a model of the castle in its heyday...we got along fine for about 15 minutes.  He picked up a mug and said something...then he asked me a question.
     And he waited for my response.
     So I repeated my phrase.
     He repeated the question, slower this time.
     I repeated my phrase.
     He repeated the question.
     In frustration, I said, in English, " I don't speak Dutch."
     He looked at me like I had horns and four eyes, and possibly just arrived from outer space.
     "You shpeak English?  Vell, dat makes it a little easier now, doesn't it."
     He then explained the significance of the mug, which in English made a lot of sense.
     I'd like to do that ride again.  This time I'll just speak English ... it will make thinks a little easier.


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