Friday, January 24, 2014

Wow, my head is getting bigger!!

     I just checked the stats page and this blog has over 1,000 page views!  That means people have looked at the pages over 1,000 times!!  And my mother isn't even alive to add to the totals.
     Which brings me to this fact you may not know about me.

I  like it when people compliment my writing

     I am like that little puppy craving a bit of attention and a treat for doing a small trick.  When people say, "I liked that article/entry/story/thing you wrote," I feel happy inside.  I don't show it.  Sometimes I get embarrassed but inside my little ego is jumping up and down and doing cartwheels and headstands.  (Which could also explain the bouts of dizziness.  Or maybe it is the wine.)
    I especially like it when people tell me I remind them of someone an Andy Rooney (thanks, John) type person.
   I do put effort into what I do.  For instance, I had to look up compliment/complement to be sure I was using the right one.  (Thanks Shari for the dessert tip......I want second helpings of dessert...2 esses) When writing about The Great War I made sure the places were spelled right and the information was correct and not a product of my imagination.
    So for all those who have read and commented either in person or on line, thank you.
    And if you are the person in Russia who has visited this site, I would love to hear from you!!

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