Wednesday, January 15, 2014

What time is it?

     I seem to have a computer addiction.  I just spent two hours looking at pictures from my trip in 2011.  Two hours!!  I got a little lost in the memories.

Sometimes I have no sense of time

     I know I sat down for just a little while, and two hours flew by.  Same happens when I play solitaire.  I want to play one game and an hour later I am still wasting time.
     The concept of time eludes me.  I am often late for appointments, or meetings, or get togethers with friends.  I live 10 minutes from town.  So if someone calls, I always say, "I'll be there in 10 minutes."  But I have to brush my teeth, take out the trash, put on shoes, finish breakfast....and it's 30 minutes before I get there.
     So if I happen to be late for a date....forgive me in advance.

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