Friday, January 10, 2014

How did you spell that disease??

     Every time someone gets a disease, I get it too.
     A woman with PMS?  Count me in.
     I can't watch medical shows.  Once, when ER was in its prime and George Clooney was a young guy, a man came into the emergency room with a hatchet stuck in his head.  I got a headache.  Having knee surgery?  My knees will start killing me.
     And the C word....don't even mention it to me because every mole, cough, muscle spasm and headache become fatal conditions.
     I once went into kidding!!  Bethie probably thinks I will again based on the size of my belly....but that is a goiter!!
     Every sneeze nets me a cold, every fever nets me the flu.  Every tale ever told about some weird disease  or allergy makes me itch, hurt, pant, perspire, or spend endless hours laying awake in bed.
     A friend recently told me about having screws removed from her fractured arm.  I could hardly stand the pain and almost passed out.
     I don't know why I am like that.  It's probably some kind of mental condition to go with my ADD, OC Disorder and athlete's foot, that burning, itching sensation that only shows up after commercials.
    And Viagra commercials?  I can't lay on my stomach for at least four hours.
    Me in 10 words?

I worry too much about non issues concerning health.

   And I have to quit now.  I just read a report that people who spend a lot of time on the computer develope carpel tunnal sindrome witch makes it hard ttwo type.

1 comment:

  1. It's probably where I get my hypochondriac tendencies that I have.

    Hypochondrianism: just another disease I have.
