Sunday, January 19, 2014

Where's that ringing coming from??

Technology sometimes baffles me

      I have Bluetooth in my car.  My phone is synced to it.  I go to Emily's house tonight to pick up a backpack someone forgot, and called her cell phone.
      Now, I had left my car on and running in her garage, cause I was only going to be a minute.
      I pull out my cell phone, in her house, and call.
      Number rings, then the line goes dead.
      But I can hear John talking.
       So I hang up, and call again, thinking it must be the volume on my phone.
      Same thing happens.
       So I call my house, hoping Jackie can call Emily.
       I can here the phone ringing, but not in my ear.
      So I put my cell phone down and start walking around.
      Suddenly I hear Jackie answering the phone, but it's coming from the garage!
      That's when I realized, the phone was routing through my Bluetooth in the car.  People kept answering, but I could not hear them because I was in the house.
       Sometimes I am just no smart enough to use these modern things!!

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