Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Is it really bedtime?

     I know they are comfortable.
     I know they are something to wear for a quick trip to the store.
     But, really?

I don't like seeing people in public in pajamas

     Pajamas are pajamas.  Wear them at night, or while lounging around the house.  But spare me from seeing you in them at the store.
     And believe me, wearing some with the word "Pink" or "US Naval Trainee" does not make them sexy or attractive.
     And speaking of that, am I supposed to read the writing on someone's butt?
     I mean, it's there.....if people didn't want me staring at their butt, they should not have words on their bottoms.
     But I do feel guilty..... and heaven forbid I get caught!  What do you say in that obviously awkward situation?
     I mean with some people it is PINK...and with others it is P    I     N      K......if you know what I mean.
     And guys wearing sweatpants?  That look is not attractive if you are overweight or over 60.  Or even 40.  And it sure doesn't work if you are overweight and over 40 and the sweats are obviously too tight for certain parts of your body to look attractive.
     Wearing them to the gym or excercise center may be ok....but please spare us!!
     And if you think it's ok...check out the pictures of shoppers at Walmarts around the country.
     That's it.

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