Saturday, January 18, 2014

No seconds for me, please.

     I don't like finishing second.

      There could be 1,000 people competing, and I am ok with 999, but second?  Really ticks me off.  If there are only four people, or 10 people, or whatever, I am ok with finishing anywhere, even last...which has it's own bragging rights.
     But second?  That can mean one error I made, 1 step I didn't follow, 1 second I did not go fast enough, 1 card I did not play right.......all sorts of ifs, ands, or buts.  (Or butts, in my case.)
     Like getting beat in a one run baseball game, or a 1 point football game, or basketball many ifs bring that victory tantalizingly close.
     But finishing last?  I probably made all sorts of mistakes.  The competition was much better than me.  I was over my head.  That I can laugh off.
     But second place?  No thanks, I'll pass on that.

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