Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A new year....a new me??

     Welcome 2014.  I was sad to see 2013 go, because it means we all got a little older.  For you people under 50, that is not a pushing issue.  For us over 60, it can be.
     I want to recreate, hone, fine tune, improve my life in 2014 and maybe a blog will be one of those learning aids.  So bear with me.....this may be good, it may be terrible, it may be pretty boring, or it may be something that carries us all to a new level of stupidity.  You know the kind of stupidity that forces me to root for the Bears against the Packers in a must win game.   Or follow the Cubs.  Or buy lottery tickets.
     This will be a challenging blog.....I will attempt to tell readers a daily tidbit about me in 10 words or less.  Some days I will follow that up with an explanation.  Most days I won't.
     Why?  I read somewhere that blogs were therapeutic for the writer.....and we all know I need therapy!  I am just not sure what kind.
     So here goes.
     Jan 1.....a fact about me in 10 words or less:

I have trouble completing projects.

     If you are family, you already know that.  When I was a kid I had a paper route and a love for cars.  I would buy plastic model car kits.  When I got married and my father cleaned out the attic, he threw out about 30 kits....none of them complete.  Most had parts missing.
     I have a stack of crossword puzzles from the Sunday Tribune.....7 weeks worth....of mostly unfinished puzzles.  To be fair, there are three in the Sunday paper and I can generally complete one, partially complete a second and start a third before the end of the week.  But I keep thinking I will go back and finish the ones I haven't but I never do!
     I went to France with Dan G. in 2011 and still have not put the pictures in a format that I can look at and reminisce.  Won't even bother to mention the 2012 or 2013 trips.  Some day when I am in a chair on a porch wrapped in warm blankets when it is 90 degrees outside I might want to look at those pictures and remember I had a life!
     I have 15 episodes of Masterpiece Theater on the DVR......
     Maybe I am biting off more than I can chew.  After all, if I post some minor tidbit about me every day that will require a dedication and effort to complete.  Perseverance!!  A skill I need to hone.
    On the other hand, this may also force me into telling embarrassing stuff.  Or to complete yet another project.
    Only time will tell how this remake goes.
     Happy New Year my friends!

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