Monday, January 13, 2014

13 out of far, so good

     I started this because I have a hard time finishing projects.  This is a test of my will power.  If I can do this, I can lose weight.  If I lose weight, I can go hiking.  If I go hiking, I can scratch another item off my bucket list.

I have a list of things to do before death

    Yes, a bucket list.   I have one, and if you don't, you should.
     I do have some items scratched off my list.  Without going into detail, living in France for a month, staying in a villa in Italy, seeing the Grand Canyon, dating a super model,  biking through Holland, learning a foreign language (ok, only half done...or one fourth done, but I'm counting it); being in an improv comedy group, getting published in the Chicago Tribune, staying on Cape Cod, driving the Alaskan Highway.  All of those are scratched off my list.
     In case you missed it, in 2012 I had an article in the travel section of the Tribune.  It was about Arles, France, and it was a damn good article.  It came about because Dan G. and I spent a month in France, another scratch off.  Jackie and I have made trips to Cape Cod, the Grand Canyon and we drove the Alaskan Highway.
    So what are some other items on my list?
     Hug a redwood tree or a giant sequoia
     Visit Cuba
     Write a book that gets published and people buy
     Stay at the Prince of Wales hotel
     Meet Tom Hanks
     See the polar bears in Churchill, Manitoba
     Stay in an igloo hotel in Finland (Thanks, Sarah, for pointing this one out to me!) and watch the Northern Lights dance overhead
     Go on safari in Africa to see lions, elephants, giraffes, gorillas and wildebeest in their natural habitat
      Find out more about my father and his life before he married my mother
      Hiking from hut to hut in the Alps

   These are not all the ones on my list, but the bigger ones.  Some are maybe doable.....if I can lose the weight, I can go mountain hut hiking this year.  Kind of a reward/incentive that is dangling out there.  I certainly can get to California and hug a redwood...... I hope.
     Anyway, that's a little of my list.  What's on yours??

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