Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Cross words can be a good puzzle

   I have a major in journalism.  I write.  I read.  Words are important to me.

I love to do crossword puzzles

     I admit I don't always finish them (again, the reason for my blog in the first place...completing projects).  I also don't throw them out, so I have about the last two months of Sunday Tribune crosswords on my computer desk.  Most of them are finished, but some are really hard and I did not know the answer, so I opted to finish it later.
     In Italy, I had a book of crosswords that were very difficult because of the cultural references.  Who starred in what movie, appeared in what TV show.  The crossword book was printed in the early 1980s!  Crap, I can't remember what I had for breakfast today, let alone what was popular in 1980!  I was only 10 then anyway.
     I tried Sudoku a couple of times, but I am not very good with numbers, number patterns and my patience is a little thin.
     But crosswords.......they are celebrating their 100th year.  First one was in 1913 right before Christmas.  It was a diversion for people bored with reading.  I tried that one, and it was impossible.  The language and words have changed a lot in 100 years.
     I sometimes do them while sipping a liquid refreshment of the grape variety.   If I have had two glasses, I usually have to redo a lot of answers.  For example, the Meatles were not a rock band.  Shovy is not the nickname for a popular American automobile.  The wine does allow me to work faster, but the accuracy diminishes the more I consume.
    Hell, some crosswords I can't even read when I am done!
     I do mine with a special pencil.  A blue mechanical pencil that I bought when I was teaching.  It is so worn, I can barely make out the name on the handle.  But I have a lifetime supply of lead, and I'm dealing!!
     Sometimes the clues puzzle me:  A six letter response to "like licked lollies."   I think it is sticky, but maybe it's an x rated response!  Or:  "The Flowers in my Heart in an old song"......what in heavens name is that?   And all the time I have spent in France and Switzerland, you would think I would know the 6 letter name of a French card game.
     But I don't.  Those will perplex me until next Sunday, when I get the Tribune and a new set of puzzles.
     Emily got me a New York Times crossword puzzle book.  I thought they would be super hard, but they are actually easy.  I have never heard of qatz, woti or espenrich before, but they fit, dammit!
     And some times I do use a dictionary or the Internet to find an answer.  I don't consider that cheating.  I am using a resource, helping to fill in the blanks that have been created in my mind.
     Now, I am going to a three letter word that means an act and a piece of furniture.
      No, it is not med!


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