Thursday, January 9, 2014

Day 9..... is it really a disorder??

     What you may not know about me:

I may have attention deficit disorder.

     Here is what I mean.  I went to clean the blue bedroom, when I noticed the dishes needed to be done.  So I filled the sink.  Washed some dishes, found some receipts to shred.  Took the receipts to the shred bucket, decided to check Facebook.  Played a game of solitaire.  Played a second game.  Looked up some information about wooden clocks from Volterra.
     20 minutes pass and:  dishes not done, receipts on computer desk, three games of solitaire played and I am cleaning the blue bedroom.
     I go into the kitchen, notice I have not finished the dishes, but the trash is full as is the recycling, so I take those out.
     THEN I got distracted!
      I eventually get things done.  But it takes me a while and several false starts.  I also spend a lot of time looking for things I did not put away but put someplace.....usually my phone or car keys.
    This is constant.  I frequently have five or six things going on at one time.  The bright side is, when I finish things I finish a lot in a little time!
     But it is frustrating.

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