Monday, January 20, 2014

Spelling bees and memory

Some words are difficult for me to spell 

     I don't remember the correct spelling, or I get them confused.
     Desert and dessert.  One is sandy and dry, the other is moist and delicious.  I always have to look one of them up to see if I am using the right one.
     Calendar is another.  I want to put spell it der, like colander.
     Cemetery gets me sometimes.  I try to remember one day I will die and be buried in my name. Tery.  OK, maybe it isn't a perfect way, but whatever works.
     Jiminy Cricket helps me every time with encyclopedia.  I have to sing the song when I spell that and I always picture him sitting on the edge of a  book.
    A rat in the house may eat the ice cream......arithmetic.  I have to remember the rat eats the ice cream, or I spell the word with an A.  But then again, sometimes I just use math.....even then, that can cause problems.  I mean, the a and e mean a great deal!  I like meth?  Worlds best meth teacher?  You have to be careful.
     I consider myself a good speller, but every once in a while, I get stumped and just get it wrong!

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