Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Now I lay me down to sleep

     I have vivid, colorful, extremely weird dreams

     I think I break every mold of the dream theorists.  I dream in colors.  Vivid colors.  I remember my dreams well after waking.
     Sometimes I dream, wake up, then go back to sleep and ..resume the dream!
     I have gotten so angry, or scared, in dreams that sometimes I can't go back to bed....or get back to sleep.
    I keep journals....sometimes I write down my dreams, as least as much as I can remember.
    One time I accidentally picked up an old journal and thought I found a notebook written by someone using some pretty heavy hallucinogenic drugs, then realized it was my writing!  If a shrink saw it, I would be institutionalized.
      My dreams get inspired by tv...which was why I had to stop watching Law and Order.  Every night I watched  an episode I would dream some terrible dream about a terrible tragedy that would wake me up and leave me in a terrible mood the rest of the day. Terrible, if you missed that.
     Not all of my dream is in color.  Sometimes there will be a car, or a house, or a person's hair that is a wild, bright color.
    Often I have fantastic dreams....I mean set in a fantasy world with flying horses and talking trees.  Sometimes they are more mundane....like going trick or treating and ending up in the coolest house I ever imagined.
      Lots of famous people have been in my dreams....and lots of friends too.  I can't count the times I have had a dead relative in a dream.
     The worst nights are the ones where I have a terrible dream that wakes me, only to fall back asleep and have another dream that awakes me again and then it's morning.
     I tell Jackie some of them and she shakes her head and says, "Now I know why you are so tired in the morning."
    I expend a lot of physical energy in my dreams, running, jumping, eating,  laughing, avoiding death and danger, saving damsels in distress.  All that is tiring business.
     I remember one morning I was  bothered by a dream, it was  so hauntingly familiar.  So I browsed through my journals and found a very similar dream, only months earlier.  It might have been summer, so maybe I was into reruns.
     I don't seem to see a trigger.  Wine gives me happy and sad dreams.  I actually cried myself awake one time.....blubbering like a baby when I woke up.....because of a dream that I could not even remember.
     A guy I grew up with once told me, "Ah to sleep....perchance to dream."
     I think he went on to write plays, but maybe that was also a dream.

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