Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Day 8....I think I see the Lights!!

     I am being optimistic.  But maybe some of you know this about me:

I want to see the Northern Lights again!

     I think I have seen them twice in my life.  I might have a chance tonight and tomorrow night, because Tom Skilling of WGN said a huge solar flair would probably trigger a display visible in our area, away from the city.
     We were camping on Sisquite Bay ( I know that may not be spelled correctly) on Isle Royale in Lake Superior, just off the Minnesota side.  It is one of the few areas on the island where you can have a campfire.  Some Boy Scouts had a fire going, and we joined them just as they were heading off to bed.  We took over the fire and sat around and talked.
      As the flames were burning down to embers, we noticed "headlights" in the sky.  Sometimes one, sometimes two, even three.  They were bright, then dim, then bright, seeming to be floating in the sky.  At first we thought they were planes approaching an airport, but we could not figure what kind of plane would basically hover in the sky for so long.  We also considered UFOs.  (OK, I considered UFOs.  Had the invasion begun?)
     Then the sky erupted in a wave of bluish green lights.  They undulated across the sky, going from blue to green, to purple.....with the headlights turning on and off at will.  We figured then what was happening, and as the embers glowed behind us, we kept watch on the sky above the bay in front of us.  I don't remember us talking much, besides an occasional wow, or holy cow.  We don't know if the Scouts or other campers saw them, after all, it was late.  (I wanted to go personally to waken the two young females we spotted earlier, but there were some concerns about screaming and yelling so I abandoned that plan.)
     I saw the lights the first time when I was living on Mill that could be 25 years ago, or so.  We had a deck, and it was late at night in the summer.  I watched the sky above Rockford turn the weirdest colors of red, and green.......but I don't remember much else.  Somewhere Bob Z. is in that story, telling me the next day that those were the Northern Lights.
   I have been to Alaska twice, been camping up north a dozen times, and `only those two times did I get a glimpse of them.
    If you see them, you will be amazed.
     Best viewing times are between 3 a.m. and 6 a.m., which will be difficult.
     Maybe I'll get out my book of Robert Service poems and read  "The Creamation of Sam McGee" to while away the hours.  And put me in the mood to witness one of nature's great displays.

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