Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Let it bleed, let it bleed, let it bleed oh let it bleed

   That was the Beatles with their hit, "Let it Bleed."
   Oh wait, "Let it Be".....well, never mind.  I have started this post already, so I am going to finish it.

I can't stand the sight of blood

     My blood, your blood, blood on tv, animal blood, blood on ice.....can't stand the sight of it.  Makes me woozy and light headed.
     I have to have blood tests on a fairly regular basis because of a cholesterol  medication I take.  The first few times, they had to lay me down to draw blood.    I can't watch them take blood, or look at the vials, so just to be sure, I take off my glasses and hum.  Now I don't know how humming actually helps, but that's what I do.
     I've tried to pull up my big boy pants, but it doesn't work.
     I was about 8 and the family was on vacation at Dewey Lake in Michigan.  A bunch of us, including my brother Dennis, were walking over to Cable Lake, just down the road from Dewey Lake.  There was a drinking fountain and Denny said "Let's race."  He hit a root and went flying into the stone fountain, cutting open his forehead.
     He bled like a pig.
     I took one look at him and hit the ground.
     He had to carry me back to our cabin.  My mother was panicked when he showed up with me in his arms and me  covered with blood because it was dripping on me.
     When I do get a cut, I hop around yelling and wrapping it in paper towels.  Then I hop around some more.  If I stand still, I will pass out.
     When Jackie had Emily, the doctor asked if I wanted to go in the delivery room.  I said I wanted to go for coffee, because I sure as hell would hit the floor at some point in the delivery process.
     Even bloody movies...I have to hid my eyes.
    I guess the one good thing about it, I know I am nor, nor will ever, be a vampire.

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