Monday, January 27, 2014

I have a past life.

     Most of you know I retired from teaching....but I had a life before that.

I was once editor of the Rochelle News Leader

    I started there as a reporter while still in school at NIU.  I graduated with a degree in journalism and was going to be the next Bob Woodward.  That did not seem to work.
    I was an intern, and that developed into a full time job as reporter/photographer.  I was with the company for 11 years....including time served at the Ogle County LIFE and at the News Leader.
   And I did win an award for a photo....still have the plaque someplace.  First place for shot of a 78 year old woman who was running in a Thanksgiving turkey trot at the old high school track.
     At some point I worked a summer or two there, and still have friends from my newspaper days.
      I am doing a monthly column in the paper.....just keeping in practice.

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