Thursday, March 13, 2014

On the road again....

Potentially, this could have been my last zoo day

     It was a beautiful morning...I was on 88 going to the zoo today.  Normally I go on Friday, but there are  mandatory training sessions and for some reason I opted for today's session.
     I drive about 67, mainly because I like getting better gas mileage.
     I came up behind a yellow semi who was going a bit slower than me....not a lot, just a bit.
     I put my left signal on and pulled into the left lane to pass.
     As I moved around his rear left, his left signal went on.  I was a little ahead of the rear wheels when he started moving over.  A lot.  In fact, he took my whole lane.
     And seeing as I was in it, it made for a tense second or two.
     I moved to the left shoulder/grass area and hit the brakes.  He sped past me. I honestly don't think he knew I was there.
     I don't think either of us did anything wrong, we just didn't do everything right.  I must have been in his blind spot.  When I saw his signal, I should have slowed down.  And maybe he could have been a little more diligent in moving over.  But a the same time, there was a trooper with a semi on the right shoulder and both men were standing near the truck.  He moved over to avoid them.
     And if I had seen the trooper, I would have anticipated the semi's move.  But I didn't.
     Not to be maudlin, but it was a reminder of how quickly life can turn, how fragile our existence is.
     It was not a near death experience, but it could have been.
     No one did get hurt, nothing did get damaged.  And my shorts even stayed dry.
     But it did make me more aware of all the vehicles around me for the rest of the trip and on my way home.

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